Sunday, October 25, 2009

God & the Body

A site talking about chastity and actually considering it worthwhile AND attainable!?!
Is it possible to NOT live enslaved to passion, and still be normal?  Some think so!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Media Star Two Years Ago, Megan Williams Comes Clean

A Media Star Two Years Ago, Megan Williams Comes Clean

A story about false claims of abuse...funny in that it explains
why the 'evil rapist' men who admitted the crime did so because
they thought they'd get off easier confessing, than being convicted
of a crime they didn't commit.

Funny & sad

Catholic Answers Special Report: Gay Marriage

Catholic Answers Special Report: Gay Marriage

Interesting enough; verification of some of these reports would be good- Sullivan's case in point

Monday, October 5, 2009

Authority vs. Authoritarianism

Great article about how liberal theology has led to a relativist perception of the concept of authority.

Funny how the classical authors (Socrates, etc.) always made basic distinctions clear; apparently the Enlightenment/Renaissance didn't always follow the script, as advertised.