Thursday, August 5, 2010

'Sugarbabe' favors negotiated infidelity -

'Sugarbabe' favors negotiated infidelity -

And we wonder why we have trouble with our kids today...

What is most astounding is the not-even-implied sexist assumptions that:

1. Men are "dogs" incapable of controlling sexual (or any urges) integral to their "nature."
2. They need to be kept "on a leash" by permitting a "stroll in the park" now and then; however,
since marriage is an antiquated and meaningless institution, this is no 'biggie,' with no consequence.
3. Relationships, sexual and otherwise, are useful when gratifying, and discarded when not.
4. That such "free" relationships are somehow "healthy."

Note that should similar assumptions about women made by men - that women are controlling in relationships via insistence on serial monogamy, and who 'holds' the leash, (i.e., judges the relationship worthwhile,) or sets the ground rules constitutes a form of oppression, would meet with howls of "patriarchy!" Apparently it's OK for women to make such generalizations about men- and set the ground rules.